Interactive and UI for Game Design

Background of the Project

Interaction and Game experience exploration. Designed UI and playtest prototype.


Lead Designer | Prototyper | Researcher | 3D Modeler

Along with Lead Design Engineer - David Raxa

Design Team - Skyle Taliaferros and Nemi Ngonzo


Oculus Quest | Adobe CC | Unity | Blender | Canva


Designed a a game experience and exploration on interactive 3D modeling


2-3 weeks


Research Strategy

  • Brainstorm

  • Game Ideas

  • Interaction Research

Project Kick Off

Our team brainstormed about a conceptual game design that will elevate user experience through 3D modeling. Our first project that came to mind was the iconic 2D game Galaga and refine it to 3D space.

What are the key elements that we can adapt from the Galaga?

What type of affordance does the user have to achieve the goal?

What obstacles will prohibit the users that add difficulty to the game?

What will be the mood of the game experience?

What interactions can we adapt from this new game experience?

Who will be our target audience for the game?

Project Pitch

Space Rangers is a simple, easy-to-play game, where you must navigate the galaxy to save your fellow astronauts, while avoiding any obstacles you might encounter along the way.



  • Game Overview

  • Game Mechanics

  • Game Objectives


Adventure and TPS


Rocket, you can control + navigate through space with

Collisions (asteroids + astronauts)

Cool planetary system

Platform and Demographics

A game for all ages and a web-based game system

Unique Selling Point

Save all the astronauts and a thrilling part is to avoid any randomized asteroids free-flowing

Game Mechanics


Users will attempt to save a certain number of astronauts


#1 Space is an open environment and the only way to find astronauts is to explore the void

#2 Users colliding with asteroids lose the round

#3 Timed game experience

The space rangers will be out on a mission to save the lives of their fellow astronauts.

  • Space rangers (the rocket) can speed up outer space.

  • Recent asteroid movements were heading in the area, and it’s going to be part of the game obstacle. If you collide with an asteroid, you lose, and the game ends!

  • Save all of the astronauts to win!


Ideate | Prototype

  • Assets

  • 3D Modeling

  • Game Environment

  • Game Controls

Lighting and Sound

Lead Engineer utilizing Unity for the Lighting and Sound system:

  • Light source from Sun

  • Galactic sounds

Using Blender and Unity, our team explored modeling the main objects incorporated in the game environment.

  • Astronaut

  • Spaceship

  • Asteroid

  • Planets

  • Galaxy

3D Models

UI Design

I designed the Intro screens and End screen UI. Providing feedback from my lead engineer to incorporate the point system and time UI on Unity.

Game Movements

Since the game will be web-based, the keyboard and mouse functions will be the primary triggers for the game's movement.


Final Design

  • Working Prototype

  • Mockups


Intro screen

Booster function


Astronaut collision point system